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Cocktail is a utility program with many functions to help maintain and tune Macintosh computers.


In response to a question on Mac-Min about a file that could not be seen in the Finder, Drew Janssen recommended Cocktail:

It is worth every penny of whatever they charge for it.

Among the many (and I mean many) things Cocktail does for your Mac is their option to reveal hidden files. That means the files with "." in front of their names. I use it on every Mac in our lab, giving us the ability to see hidden files on any Mac that comes in.

I strongly recommend Cocktail to anyone and everyone on the List, not only for its ability to reveal hidden files, but for the myriad options it affords. Check it out. Once installed and activated, it will give you the ability see, and eliminate, this file that's giving you headaches. You will need to set the option to Reveal Hidden Files, but that's easy.

External links


Recommended by Drew Janssen on the Mac-Ministry List in March 2012.