Logos Bible Software

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Logos has long been one of the leading programs for Bible study. After many years as a PC program it was also released for Macintosh in 2010. There are also iOS versions for iPad and iPhone with a sub-set of tools.


Dr. David Adams, a professor at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, writing in 2010, gave four reasons for choosing Logos:

  1. Logos is better at what the average parish pastor needs to do. "The Passage Guide, Exegetical Guide, and Bible Word Study Guide jump-start a pastor’s preparation (or a layman’s study time), and point them directly and quick to the most relevant and helpful resources that they have available (depending, of course, on what they own). The Biblical People, Places, and Things tools bring together a lot of information quickly and point the way to avenues for further study."
  2. Resources: Logos has licensed more resources than any other Bible program.
  3. Syntax searching: at the time of writing Logos was well ahead of other programs on this feature.
  4. Flexibility to run on multiple platforms.


Samuel Powell posted the recommendations of Dr Adams, his former seminary professor, on the Mac-Ministry List in 2010.

External links

  • Logos.com
  • David Adams' article was also posted with some follow-up comments at the blog of Paul McCain, Executive Director of the Editorial Department at Concordia Publishing House, which licences exclusively to Logos